Your shipment wherever you want and whenever you want
Your shipment wherever you want whenever you want
The company was founded in Mestre in 2016 and employs managers with over 40 years experience in every sector of global logistics
Our organization is capable of meeting the needs of all kinds of clients in all the various, complex areas that characterize the Supply Chain.
LOG operates in the Italian market in all sea ports and airports, both commercial and non-commercial. In the international market, we are part of a worldwide network which, thanks to our agents, guarantees extensive coverage in every country in the world.
LOG è presente nel mercato italiano in tutti i porti ed aeroporti commerciali e non. Nel mercato internazionale, siamo parte di un network mondiale che ci garantisce grazie ad i nostri agenti, la presenza capillare in ogni stato del mondo.

Our objective is to offer our customers a complete, professional service for the delivery of production and/or commercial projects.
We invest our resources so that we can guarantee fast and secure shipments anywhere you want
Our objective is to offer our customers a complete, professional service for the delivery of production and/or commercial projects.
We invest our resources so that we can guarantee fast and secure shipments anywhere you want